Archive for April, 2006

Welcome to Devour L.A.!

April 24, 2006

Welcome to Devour L.A.!

A while ago, my wife and I really got into food. We're not super-foodies, but we like to think of ourselves as foodies-in-training. And we're loving the training. 🙂

I guess we can blame it mostly on the Food Network, which has driven us mad with the scores of delicious looking and sounding dishes that they parade past us. We can also blame it on the fact that my wife is a PR whirlwind, working on (among many other things), PR for one of the top restaurants in New York, a growing gourmet-tea chain in Los Angeles, and has done restaurant and hospitality PR for many other establishments in the past. Last, we can blame it on Thomas Keller, who treated us to a truly amazing meal at The French Laundry when we were lucky enough to dine there in Napa last year (and Bouchon, his bistro, both in Napa and in Las Vegas).

It's really just that, like millions of Americans, we LOVE our food! Living in Los Angeles, we are often eating out and trying new places and many times with our shoddy memories, we fail to capture what we liked and what we didn't about the places we dined. At the very least, I want this blog to capture some of our thoughts and memories for our own reference. Hopefully, it'll help you too, whether it gives you a new place or dish to try or it just let's you relive your most memorable meals.

The unfortunate thing is that a truly amazing meal does not come around very often, so in addition to the good times, I'll also be chronicling the bad times. And believe me, there are enough of those. So, good and bad, expensive and cheap, hopefully this will help guide you to devouring L.A. and all it has to offer.

Bon Appétit!